SaaStanak MK initiation

Featured in Skopje

SaaStanak MK initiation



Wednesday, May 22, 2024

18:00 - 20:00

Location visible for attendees

On-site event


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​Join us for a special first edition of SaaStanak MK: SaaS from Macedonia, hosted by Infinum, at their office space in Nastel City centre.

  • The panel will be held in Macedonian

🕕 Event starts at 6:00 PM

​​The initiation of the community will be marked with an introductory gathering where everyone working (involved) on the SaaS model (from Macedonia) will have a chance to introduce and meet fellow enthusiasts. The talk will be semi structured - Leaving open space for presenting own work and work practices.

🎙 Our guests include company representatives from:

​Ivote, Hornetsecurity, EMIT Knowledge, Digital Office by Inbox,, Semos Cloud, Modeliks, Biznis Mreza, SmartClick SEO, Aqtos, Native teams, TeamLift, Heyreach, Coach Microlearning and others waiting to join.

Moderator: Anastas P. Shuli, Email strategist @ Flowd & Leonard Eldić, Founder @ SaaStanak

Additional info:

​​The initiation of the first SaaS community in Macedonia will take place on the 22nd of May. Partnering up with Infinum Macedonia the event will be held in their space at 6 pm.

​The first event will be semi structured allowing space and time for the community to form its own spirit. A lot of SaaS companies and SaaS entrepreneurs don’t know each other and having semi structured first event will be ideal for introduction and setting the first stones for the community.

​The event will consist of idea presentation and short intro from Anastas and Leonard, founder of SaaStanak. Brief pitch introductions of the attendees will be followed by a little snack/pizza and beer! 🍻

Attendees (6)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 18:00 - 20:00

SaaStanak MK initiation